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Animal Encyclopedia for Kids offers animal profiles, animal records and animal knowledge for school and homework, all about pets and a huge pet name database.

Latest Animal Profile

  • Long-Eared Owl
  • Long-Eared Owl
    Long-eared owls have beautiful long ear tufts. Learn how to tell them apart from Eurasian eagle owls.

Picture of the Day

Animal of the Week

  • King Penguin
  • King Penguin
    Everything about the second largest penguin and how to tell it apart from the Emperor penguin!

Animals in February

  • Red Fox
  • Red Fox
    Did you know that foxes use the Earth's magnetic field when hunting? Find out about its magnetic sense!

  • Marten
    In our animal profile you can find out everything about the behavior and habitat of martens!

  • Squirrel
  • Squirrel
    How do squirrels find buried nuts? By their smell, by using their memory or by marking the spot?

  • Raven
  • Raven
    Ravens possess remarkable intelligence and show problem-solving abilities through creative thinking.

  • Wood Frog
  • Wood Frog
    How do amphibians survive temperatures below 32 degrees fahrenheit? The wood frog has an amazing trick!

World Animal Days

  • Hippo
  • 15.02.25
    World Hippo Day
    Is it true that hippos sweat blood? Check its animal profile to find it out!

Latest Animal Quiz

  • Arctic Fox Quiz
  • Arctic Fox Quiz
    Show off your knowledge of Arctic foxes by taking our quiz!

Knowledge Articles

  • Snowy Owl
  • Snowy Owl
    The snowy owl lives in the Arctic tundra. It features white plumage, striking yellow eyes, and feathered feet.

  • Kingfisher
  • Kingfisher
    Kingfishers are also known as flying gems. Find out more about these beautiful birds the animal profile!

  • Red Fox
  • Animals of the Forest
    Learn all about the forest as a biome, its vital role and its plants and animal species.

  • Fire Salamander
  • Fire Salamander
    Learn all about the Fire Salamander and its life style! Where does it live? Is it poisonous?

  • Alpine Newt
  • Alpine Newt
    The Alpine newt is a salamander that lives in European forests. It has a bright orange belly.


  • Arctic Animal
  • Arctic Animals
    How do animals survive in the icy Arctic? And what is a Tundra? Check out our video!

  • Hibernation
  • Hibernation
    Do you know the difference between hibernation, dormancy and torpor? This video will explain it to you.

Awards and Seals of Approval:

© BBWF e.V. – Is Supported By:

Ein Netz für Kinder Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth

Supported by the Federal Government Commissioner of the German Federal Government for Culture and Media and by the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (2012-2013); Supported by the Federal Government Commissioner of the German Federal Government for Culture and the Media (2015-2018) is the English edition of

Animal Fact Sheets:

Over 220 fact sheets with exciting information and pictures! Here you will find facts about mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, fish, insects, spiders and invertebrates.


Useful information and pet care tips for dogs, cats, budgies, hamsters and guinea pigs. Are you looking for a pet? Here you will find nearly 100 profiles of family-friendly breeds.

Animal Records:

Which are the biggest, fastest, heaviest animals? We have more than 250 records - sorted by category. In this section you'll also learn how to distinguish animals that look alike.

Pet Names Database:

Discover our huge pet name database with more than 1.200 pet names! Whether sweet, smart, funny or in another language - all names are sorted by category, so you can quickly find the right name for your pet.


Check out 90 knowledge articles and exciting news ! Are there any toxic mammals? Can animals count? How do chameleons change their color? How do animals breathe? Exciting articles and simple explanations!


Animal quizzes, coloring pages and personality tests! Test your knowledge in 50 animal quizzes. Or take a personality test to find out which kind of pet would suit you. Also, there are 90 printable coloring pages.

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