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The Largest, Smallest, Heaviest, Loudest ... Frogs

Frogs are amazing creatures that set extraordinary records! In this article you will learn about the heaviest, largest, smallest, loudest, most toxic and most unusual frogs in the world. Below this table you will find more incredible records – even though they cannot be measured in cm or kg.

Frog Records From All Over the World

Largest frog Goliath frog 12.5 inches (32 cm) *
Largest tree frog Giant tree frog 5.1 inches (13 cm)
Smallest frog Paedophryne amauensis 0.27-0.31 inches (7 - 8 mm)
Second-smallest frog Monte Iberia eleuth 0.33 inches (8.5 mm)
Heaviest frog Goliath frog 7.1 lbs (3.25 kg)
Jumping power Bullfrog 7.15 feet (2.18 meters)
Longest migration Poolfrog 9.3 miles (15 km)
Longest sleep Striped burrowing frog 3 years
Longest living frog Common toad 36 years
Most poisonous frog Golden poison frog 0.0044 mg/lbs (0.002 mg/kg) **
Loudest frog Coqui 100 decibel
Survives freezing Wood frog Up to 21.2 degrees Fahrenheit (-6 degrees Celsius)

* Legs not sprawled out
** 0.0044 mg/lb (0.002 mg/kg) are lethal for a human being

Poison Dart Frog Poison Dart Frog - Photo: Dirk Ercken/Shutterstock


Frog Long Jump Record

The American bullfrog measures 7.8 inches (20 cm), but it can jump as far as 7.15 feet (2.18 meters) – about 10 times the length of its body.

The Ugliest Frog

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But compared to cute and colorful frogs such as the flaming poison frog, the red-eyed tree frog, the tiger frog, or the Malaysian rainbow toad, the “crimson frog” Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis is not really that attractive.

With the unusual shape of its head and the pointed snout, it almost looks like a slippery mole. This is due to its way of life: It spends most of the time on the ground and only emerges for two weeks every year. This might be the reason why this species has not been discovered before the year 2003.

The Loudest Frog

... does not really sound that bad: Its call resembles that of a bird. The loudest frog lives in Puerto Rico and is called coqui, because it keeps repeating two syllables: “Co” to drive off male rivals and “Qui” to attract female frogs. At a distance of 3.2 feet (1 meters), the sound reached more than 100 decibel, which is nearly as loud as the noise of a chainsaw or a pneumatic hammer directly next to you.

„Pac-Man“ Frog

Ok, this is not really a record, but nevertheless worth to be shared: There are frogs that are called „Pac-Man frogs“ because of the shape of their body. They are round as a ball and their mouth is so big that it looks as if they had a ball in it (or points like in the game).


They are horned frogs, but they are not as agile as “Pac-Man” and spend most of the time sitting around motionlessly and waiting for some prey to pass by. They are not picky regarding the hopping, creeping and crawling creatures in front of their noses. They try to swallow everything from insects and spiders up to little rodents and young birds, reptiles or other frogs. Officially, the shape of Pac-Man was inspired by a piece of bitten off pizza.

Argentine Horned Frog Argentine Horned Frog - Photo: Magdanatka/Shutterstock

The Most Musical Frog

While birds twitter lovely “songs“, frogs mostly just squeak. Nice melodies? No way. But there is a frog that has a nice way of squeaking. The African reed frog is a passionate singer that sounds very similar to a xylophone (a musical instrument consisting of flat wooden bars of different lengths that are struck by mallets). The African reed frog is also one of the smallest frogs worldwide. With 0.59-1.18 inches (15-30 mm), it is not much bigger than the Paedophryne amauensi or the Monte Iberia eleuth.

The Worst-Smelling Frog

It has an official entry in the Guinness Book of World Records: The species Aromobates Nocturnus is the world’s worst-smelling frog. It is very rare and red-listed as an endangered species. Although it is related to the golden poison frog, it is not poisonous. Its smell is enough to drive enemies away ...

African Reed Frog African Reed Frog - Photo: Artush/Shutterstock