The Most Dangerous Venomous Snakes: Central and South America
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- Scientific name: Lachesis sp.
- Family: Vipers
- Subfamily: Pit vipers
- Genus: Lachesis
- Length: Up to 9.8 feet (3 meters)
- Venom: Myotoxic
This snake’s venom is not as dangerous as that of other pit vipers in Central America, but it administers a hefty dose. Thankfully, they are not especially aggressive.
- Table of Contents:
- Fer-de-Lance
- Mexican West Coast Rattlesnake
- South American Rattlesnake
- Golden Lancehead
- Common Lancehead
- Bushmaster
- Find Out Nore:
- Venomous Snakes - How Does Their Venom Work? How to Avoid Getting Bitten?
- The Most Dangerous Venomous Snakes: Africa
- The Most Dangerous Venomous Snakes: Asia
- The Most Dangerous Venomous Snakes: Australia and New Guinea