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Main Characteristics of Knifefish

  • There are 260 types of knifefish.
  • They belong to the bony fish.
  • Knifefish are divided into two groups: South American knifefish and featherbacks.
  • Even though South American knifefish and featherbacks aren't closely related, they share some similar features.
  • Both groups are named because their body shape looks like a knife, except for the electric eel.
  • They also have a similar way of moving through the water.
  • The most well-known are the electric eel and the clown featherback.
  • Featherbacks can be found in Africa, India, and Southeast Asia.
  • South American knifefish live in South and Central America.
  • Knifefish are carnivores.
  • They're found in freshwater environments.
  • The largest knifefish is the electric eel, which can grow up to 8.2 feet (2.5 meters) long.
  • The smallest knifefish is the Microsternarchus brevis, measuring only 2.1 inches (5.3 cm).

Species List


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