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Main Characteristics of Piciformes

  • There are 355 species of piciformes.
  • They're categorized into nine families: toucans, toucan-barbets, New World barbets, African barbets, Asian barbets, honeyguides, woodpeckers, puffbirds and jacamars.
  • The most well-known are the toucan and the great spotted woodpecker.
  • Generally, these birds are small, featuring short necks, round heads, and short legs.
  • They're primarily carnivorous or frugivorous, feeding on insects, fruits, or honey.
  • Piciformes spend most of their time in trees.
  • Some of these birds have two toes pointing forward and two pointing backward, making it easier for them to support themselves while climbing trees.
  • Their tails are shaped like a spatula or a fan, acting as a third leg to support them while holding tight onto branches.
  • The largest species are the toco toucan and the imperial woodpecker, reaching lengths of up to 24 inches (62 cm).
  • The smallest is the rufous piculet, measuring only 3-4 inches (8-10 cm) in length and averaging 0.3 ounces (9.2 grams) in weight.

Species List


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