Pet Names That Start With S
Pet Names from A to Z:
Here, you will find beautiful animal names with S at the beginning!
We have gathered a collection of the finest ideas for your pet, whether you prefer German or English names. From funny and magical to cute, we've got it all covered. And if a name holds a special significance, we've included its meaning right next to it.
The 10 most beautiful pet names starting with S are Sammy, Sandy, Sidney, Snoopy, Socke, Speedy, Stella, Sugar, Sunny and Sweetie. Here is a list of additional suggestions:
Pet Names Beginning With S
- Sadie ♀️
- Safira ♀️ = Sapphire
- Sahara ♀️ = Desert in Africa
- Sakura ♀️ = Cherry blossom (Japanese)
- Salem = Peace (from schalom; Hebrew)
- Sally ♀️
- Salt
- Sam ♂️
- Sami ♂️ = Light, bright (Arabian)
- Sammy ♂️
- Sandy
- Santo ♂️ = Saint
- Saphira ♀️
- Sapphire
- Sarafina ♀️
- Sasha
- Satoshi ♂️ = Intelligent, clever, bright (Japanese)
- Savannah
- Sayo ♂️ = Born at night (Japanese)
- Sayuri ♀️ = Small lily (Japanese)
- Scamp
- Scarlet
- Schecki = Piebald (German)
- Schlafmütze = Sleepyhead (German)
- Schlumpf = Smurf (German)
- Schmusi = Cuddle (German)
- Schnecke = Snail (German)
- Schneeball = Snowball (German)
- Schneeflocke = Snowflake (German)
- Schneewittchen ♀️ = Snow White (German)
- Schnuffel = Sniff, snoop (German)
- Schokopfote = Chocolate paw (German)
- Schrödinger ♂️ (Austrian physicist)
- Scooby ♂️
- Scooter ♂️
- Scorpion
- Scotty ♂️
- Scout ♂️
- Scrat ♂️
- Scratchy
- Scrattie ♀️
- Scribble
- Scruffie
- Selina ♀️
- Shade
- Shadow
- Shady
- Shaira ♀️ = Heart's desire (African)
- Shakespeare
- Shalima ♀️ = Lovable (Sanskrit)
- Shania ♀️ = I'm on my way (Native American)
- Shantia ♀️ = Chosen (African)
- Shara ♀️ = Desert
- Shaun ♂️
- Sheena ♀️ = Like a falcon (Old Hebrew)
- Sheela ♀️
- Shelby ♀️
- Shelly ♀️
- Sheriff ♂️
- Sherlock ♂️
- Sherry ♀️
- Shir Khan ♂️
- Shira ♀️
- Shireen ♀️ = Sweet (Persian)
- Shiva ♀️
- Shorty
- Shrek ♂️
- Sid
- Sidney
- Sienna ♀️ = Red soil (Italian)
- Siesta = Afternoon nap (Spanish)
- Silver
- Simba ♂️
- Sindbad ♂️
- Sissi ♀️
- Siyah = Black (Turkish)
- Skipper ♂️
- Skittles
- Sky
- Skywalker ♂️
- Slate
- Slinky (Dog from Toy Story)
- Smarty
- Smartypants
- Smiles
- Smoky
- Smoochy
- Snickerdoodle
- Snickers
- Snoopy
- Snow White
- Snowball
- Snowflake
- Snowy
- Söckchen = Small socks (German)
- Socke = Socks (German)
- Sonic
- Sophia ♀️ = Wisdom
- Sophie ♀️
- Sparky
- Spectre
- Speckley
- Speedy
- Spider
- Spike ♂️
- Splat
- Spooky
- Spot
- Squint (Rabbit from Ice Age)
- Steel
- Steffie ♀️ (Mammoth from Ice Age)
- Stella ♀️
- Sterling
- Sternchen = Small star (German)
- Stinki = Stinky (German)
- Stompy
- Stone
- Stormy
- Strawberry
- Strolchi ♂️ = Rascal (German)
- Strubbelchen = Tousled (German)
- Struppel = Shaggy (German)
- Struppi = Shaggy (German)
- Stupsi = Poke (German)
- Sugar
- Suki ♀️ = Loved (Japanese)
- Sully ♂️ = Dark eyes (Irish)
- Sumi ♀️ = Beauty (Korean)
- Summer
- Sunflower
- Sunny
- Sunshine
- Susi ♀️
- Sweet Pea
- Sweetheart
- Sweetie
- Sweetie Pie
- Sweety
- Switch
- Sydney
- Sylvester