Italian Pet Names
The best Italian pet names and their meaning from A to Z!
- Amica = friend (female)
- Bambino = boy
- Bambina = girl
- Baronessa = baroness
- Bello = good-looking (male)
- Bella = good-looking (female)
- Bellissimo = gorgeous (male)
- Bellissima = gorgeous (female)
- Bigia = gray
- Brizzolata = gray-streaked
- Calma = calm (female)
- Cara Mia = my dearest, my beloved
- Carina = pretty (female)
- Chiara = light (female)
- Chiazzato = speckled, mottled (male)
- Chiazzata = speckled, mottled (female)
- Cielo = sky (male)
- Cioccolato = chocolate-colored (male)
- Cioccolata = chocolate-colored (female)
- Civetta = owl
- Demonio = demon (male)
- Deserto = desert (male)
- Destino = destiny (male)
- Diva = goddess
- Fiore = flower
- Freccetta = small arrow
- Lucido = glossy
- Macchiato = speckled (male)
- Macchiata = speckled (female)
- Mio = my
- Pezzato = piebald (male)
- Principessa = princess
- Ragazza = girl
- Rotondo = round (male)
- Rotonda = round (female)
- Stella = star (female)
- Topolino = little mouse (male)
- Topolina = little mouse (female)
Italian Pet Names - Photo: Javier Brosch/Shutterstock