Pet Names for Birds With Q, R, S, T
Pet Names for Birds From A to Z:
We have tons of great bird names with the letters Q, R, S and T! There are exotic, rare, but also cute and pretty ones.
Names for Birds With Q, R, S and T:
- Queen
- Queenie
- Quincy – Quincy Jones
- Rainy
- Rambo – action hero
- Rebel
- Rhapsody – musical style
- Road Runner – bird from Road Runner
- Robby
- Rocko
- Rocky
- Romeo – from Romeo and Juliet
- Roscoe
- Rossini – Italian composer
- Rumpelstiltskin – imp from a german fairytale
- Rusty – American rapper
- Sam – from The Muppet Show
- Scarlett – actress
- Schnookie
- Schroeder – from The Peanuts
- Schubert – Austrian composer
- Scruffie
- Sheila – from Sindbad
- Sherlock
- Silvester – from Silvester & Tweety
- Sinbad – hero from Sinbad
- Sitka
- Skye
- Smarty
- Smartypants
- Snowball – from The Simpsons
- Snow White
- Sonata – composition without vocals
- Sonny
- Sophia
- Space
- Sparkle
- Sparkles
- Sparky
- Speedy – from Speedy Gonzales
- Spooky
- Spot
- Spyder
- Star
- Starbright
- Stormy
- Stradivari – Italian crafter of string instruments
- Stubbs
- Stupsi
- Summerwind
- Sunny
- Sunshine
- Susi
- Sweetie
- Sweetheart
- Sweet Tooth
- Sweety
- Symphony
- Taffy
- Talktalk
- Tango Dance
- Tavi
- Tiffy – from (German) Sesame Street
- Tiggy
- Tilly
- Toby
- Toffee
- Tootsie
- Topaz
- Tosca
- Toto
- Treasure
- Tweetie
- Tweetie-Pie
- Tweety – from Silvester & Tweety