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Swiss and American Teddy

Swiss Teddy Guinea Pig Breed Profile

Fur Medium length, up to 2.4 inch (6 cm); stands on end, curly, dense
Rosettes None
Characteristics None
Lifespan 4-6 years
Suitable for Beginners

Swiss Teddy Guinea Pig Photo: Eric Isselee/Shutterstock

Breed Characteristics

“Yodel-ay-hee-hoo! It’s me, Fluffy!” - that’s what the Swiss Teddy would say if it could talk. The name might be a clue: Switzerland is the place where this adorable pet was bred. The Swiss Teddy is a very rare breed. Its special feature is its coarse, dense and slightly curly half-length coat that stands on end. It’s between 1.5 inch (4 cm) and 2.4 inch (6 cm) long, which is considerably longer than most short-haired guinea pig coats and twice as long as the US Teddy’s.

No Rosettes

Neither the Swiss Teddy nor the American Teddy have whorls, but some have little crests. In competitions, these forehead whorls aren’t a welcome sight. But “normal” guinea pig owners love this kind of little quirks. After all, that’s what makes each guinea pig special and unique! Don’t forget: even Hollywood actors often get famous thanks to their trademark looks!


Fur Care

A soft brush should be used for grooming. It’s a good idea to keep this clean so you don’t accidentally reintroduce any dirt you’ve removed. It also makes sense to trim the fur once to twice a month using a pair of children’s scissors.

Fun Facts

Where did Teddy guinea pigs get their name? They got their name because they look like little teddy bears. But watch out: guinea pigs aren’t soft toys you can cuddle! No matter how gently you pet them: they get really scared and freeze in shock until you let them go again.

American Teddy Guinea Pig Factsheet

Fur Short, up to 1.1 inch (3 cm); stands on end, curly
Rosettes None
Characteristics None
Lifespan 4-6 years
Suitable for Beginners

American Teddy Guinea Pig Photo: PHOTO FUN/Shutterstock

Breed Characteristics

The American Teddy might say, “Howdy there! It’s me, Fluffy!” This is the American “edition” of the Teddy guinea pig. The American Teddy has curly, dense, elastic fur that stands on end, making it look a little like a Rex guinea pig. The only thing that will help you tell them apart: the American Teddy’s coat is a little shorter, fluffier, finer and denser. But it takes an expert to tell the two apart consistently. The Rex and American Teddy are completely different when it comes to their genetics, as a cross between the two makes a straight-haired animal. American Teddies and Swiss Teddies come in all possible fur colors.

Fur Care

Same as the Swiss Teddy!


American Teddy Guinea Pig Photo: PHOTO FUN/Shutterstock