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Guinea Pig Allergy

Is there something like an allergy to guinea pigs? And what can you do about it?

A guinea pig allergy is sadly one of the worst animal hair allergies to have. The culprit isn’t actually the hair, but the saliva that sticks to the hair. Skin cells are also responsible for allergic reactions. There is an especially high concentration of allergens in the guinea pig’s urine. A poisonous gas called ammonia is also released during urination. So regular ventilation is key.

Allergies to dust, hay and straw are also very common, but these are easier to control. shows you how you can live with a mild allergy. But there’s no guarantee that you’ll be symptom-free.

Guinea Pig Photo: Michaela/


What to Do if You Have a Guinea Pig Allergy?

• Clean the cage every week

The cage should be cleaned by someone who isn’t allergic. In a pinch, you could also try using gloves or a breathing mask. The “toilet corner” must be cleaned every day. It’s best to do this outside. If this isn’t possible, air the room afterwards and clean the floor. Carpets are difficult to clean, so the cage should be kept in a room without carpet.

• Get "dust-free" straw and bedding

You can buy dust-free or low-dust straw and bedding at pet stores. The less dust flying around with animal allergens attached to it, the better.

• Wash your hands after any contact

After touching a guinea pig, always wash your hands thoroughly. You should also change and wash your clothes regularly.

• Don't place the cage in the bedroom

Guinea pigs should be banned from the bedroom if you’re allergic. This applies to the animal as well as the cage. Bedding should be changed often.

Allergy Getting Worse?

If these tips don’t improve your allergy, and it persists or even gets worse, there’s sadly no other option. You will have to give your pet away. Especially if you develop asthma (can be fatal!) and/or there are children in the household. As much as you love your furry little friend, your health is more important.


This article is only for information purposes only and does not come with a guarantee. This article does not constitute medical advice, so should not replace a visit to your doctor. Please always contact a doctor for medical advice.