The Most Dangerous Venomous Snakes: Africa
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Black Mamba
- Scientific name: Dendroaspis polylepsis
- Family: Elapidae
- Genus: Mambas
- Length: Up to 14.7 feet (4.5 meters)
- Venom: Neurotoxic
Black mambas are alert snakes that can become very aggressive if they feel that they have to defend themselves. Because they often live near people, accidents are common as people unintentionally scare or disturb the snakes. Without an antidote, a bite is 100% deadly within 15 minutes to 3 hours.
- Table of Contents:
- Black Mamba
- Cape Cobra
- Forest Cobra
- Puff Adder
- Gaboon Viper
- Egyptian Cobra
- Boomslang