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Jersey Wooly

Jersey Wooly Rabbit Pet Profile

Size Small
Weight 1.1-2.8 pounds (500-1,300 grams)
Fur Medium length, wooly, dense
Maintenance Medium
Personality Friendly, playful
Lifespan 7-10 years
Suitable for Beginners and experienced owners
Origin USA
Indoor Yes
Outdoor Yes
Special characteristics Wooly fur, very small
Similar breeds French Angora, Netherland Dwarf

Jersey Wooly Photo: Mary Swift/Shutterstock


Who’s this fluffy little bunny?! Jersey Wooly Rabbits are just too adorable! Its special highlight (or should that be hairlight?) is obvious from the name “Wooly”, as it has gorgeous, wooly, soft, fluffy, cuddly medium-length fur.

This was no accident. Rabbit connoisseurs might have guessed it: there’s a bit of Angora in the Jersey Wooly. To be more precise, a bit of French Angora. It was crossed with Netherland Dwarves to get an especially small bunny.


Its coat isn’t the only reason that the Jersey Wooly is so popular, as this rabbit is known for its friendliness and even-tempered nature. It’s earned its nickname “no-kick-bunny” as it doesn’t kick out with its hind legs. It could also be called the “no-bite-bunny”, as the Jersey Wooly doesn’t bite either.

A Jersey Wooly has already made it into the Guinness Book of World Records: its name was “Do” and is considered the oldest rabbit in the world. It made it to 17 years and 2 weeks old.

Jersey Wooly Photo: Linn Currie/Shutterstock


Jersey Woolies are especially docile, calm, gentle and relaxed. They love rabbit-safe toys, e.g. toilet paper tubes, that they can be silly with. These pets may be playful but they don’t hop and run around as much as other rabbit breeds.

Health and Care

Jersey Woolies have medium-length, dense fur that should be combed or brushed at least once a week to avoid matting. This should be even more often during molting. Clean any dirty areas with a damp cloth. Jersey Wooly bunnies swallow their own hair when they clean themselves. Unlike in cats (who regurgitate their hair), this makes it to the rabbit’s digestive system and can cause blockages. So it’s especially important to give these buns a suitable diet. But the risk isn’t quite as high as with a long-haired Angora, for example.


Jersey Wooly Photo: Mary Swift/Shutterstock


Jersey Wooly Rabbits look like little round fluff-balls thanks to their dense medium-length coats. This makes their small, round bodies look bigger than they actually are. Their heads are square, and are often called “mug heads”. Their eyes are small and 0.2 to 0.3 inches (6-8 mm) long.

Fur Color

Jersey Wooly Rabbits come in a range of different colors, for example agouti, chinchilla, white, black, blue, chocolate, lilac, tortoiseshell, sable, seal and Siamese.

History and Origin

Jersey Woolies come from New Jersey, USA, and have been recognized by the ARBA (American Rabbit Breeders Association) since 1988. They were bred by crossing French Angoras with Netherland Dwarf Rabbits.