Rabbit Checklist: "Before You Buy"
Here, you'll find a checklist with important questions that you should ask yourself before buying pet rabbits.
Is a rabbit right for me? If you’re asking yourself this question, you’re probably considering what pros and cons come with owning rabbits. Let us help you by summarizing the most important facts and giving you an idea of what you need to think about as well as what you can expect.
1. Life Expectancy
Can you look after your rabbits for 5-10 years?
Rabbits live to be 5 to 10 years old. This is quite a long lifespan. Imagine you get two cute little rabbits at 14. When you’re 18, they’ll be just 4. In the meantime, you’ve found a great hobby that takes up a lot of your time or maybe you even want to move out or move abroad for a year. You can’t plan everything in advance, but you should consider what a long timeframe this is.
2. Allergy
Do you have any animal allergies?
2. Do you have any animal allergies?
If you already know that you do, you should not get rabbits. The allergy isn’t actually anything to do with animal fur, but saliva and/or hay and straw. But these are unavoidable when it comes to rabbits. Health always comes first. If you later find out that you’re allergic, you should give up the animals - as sad as this may make you. Perhaps you know someone with rabbits so you can spend time with them? You’ll quickly find out if you’re allergic or not.
3. Vacation
Can someone look after your rabbits if you go on vacation?
Rabbits cannot simply hop into the car and come on vacation with you. Rabbits are curious creatures but they like their home comforts, preferring to stay in places familiar to them. Are relatives or friends willing to take care of them? Is there a rabbit sitter that you could use if you need one?
4. Costs
Do you have enough money to look after your rabbits?
Rabbits are not as cheap to keep as many presume. Most people think that a rabbit cannot cost much more than a hamster. Rabbits live considerably longer, and need more food, more outside space and more care.
To look after a rabbit for its whole life, you can expect to pay at least 3,500 euros. Don’t forget: rabbits should never be kept alone! They should always be kept in pairs at least! Therefore, you can double this sum. This is a very, very tightly calculated estimation, with little to no buffer. Thankfully, this amount is spread out over 5 to 10 years.
5. Does Your Fmily Agree With the Decision?
After all, your parents will be responsible for your rabbits. It won’t work without their permission. Your siblings should also contribute to the decision.
6. Are you aware that rabbits aren’t cuddly pets?
Yes, rabbits will let you touch them. But just because you like it, it doesn’t mean that they like it. Rabbits are prey animals, so tend to be afraid of us humans. At the end of the day, rabbits are just for looking at.
Parents’ Info
A pet can be a great experience for kids. Here are five reasons pets are good for children:
Children with pets:
- Learn about responsibility.
- Develop confidence and empathy.
- Are more active and get sick less often.
- Are less stressed and suffer from less anxiety.
- Feel less alone when their parents are at work.
Please don’t forget that parents are ultimately responsible for their children’s pets. Your child is allowed to help with feeding and cleaning but shouldn’t attempt these jobs alone until they’re at least 12 years old.